
Advocacy and mediation services supporting quality care

If you’re at the start of the care process and unsure what to do, or struggling with insufficient social care services, then please get in touch to see how we can help.

We’re here to support you with advocacy and mediation, enabling you to receive the best possible care for you and for your family.

RJ Advocacy will work alongside you or on your behalf to ensure the quality of care you deserve.

What is an Advocate?

Where someone may have difficulties understanding, retaining information or making decisions, the Care Act 2014 requires an advocate to represent their interests.

This will take place where a carer or family member is unable to act for them in this capacity. The advocate will understand the process and rules, establish their views, acting in their best interest and on their behalf.

An advocate can be appointed by the family or by the person themselves if they would like expert support throughout the process.

Choosing a care home is an important decision, and we’re here on hand to help. From reviewing standards and competencies to visiting accommodations, we’re by your side to help you find the home that’s right for you.


There’s nothing worse than worrying about the quality of care your loved ones are receiving in residential care.
We’re here to help you make improvements and champion their rights to a higher quality of living.


Receiving care at home should be a source of comfort and we’re here to help you ensure that your care team are giving you everything you need.


Frustrations with the National Health Service can make an already stressful time more stressful, so we’re here to help with your peace of mind by advocating on your behalf.


Wherever your loved ones are living, they deserve the best care possible. We can help you to navigate the complexities of assisted care living, for a higher quality of life.