Residential Care

Improving care processes for a higher quality of living

It’s common to have concerns about the quality of care your loved ones are receiving. We all want the best for our
families and we’re here to help you make that happen.

Do you have questions about their treatment?

Are you worried about their quality of life?

Do you feel that your requests are being ignored?

Whether they’re in a nursing home, residential home or a home for dementia, we can help you to break down the
barriers and to make those crucial improvements.

At RJ Advocacy, we can help you take control:

  • Reviewing the current care that’s being received
  • Understanding your concerns and recommending the changes that will better suit your needs
  • Liaising with the residential home on your behalf where the relationship has broken down, advocating for you and your loved ones
  • Contacting life enrichment services and activity co-ordinators to offer further support (Befrienders, PAT Dogs etc)

Everyone deserves to be cared for in a way that meets their individual needs, and we’re here on hand to help.