Giving everyone the choice in the way they receive adult social care is crucial to maintain their level of independence and their quality of life.

Live-in care is often a popular choice for those in need of care, to be able to stay in their family home amongst familiar comforts and with those they love close at hand. Decision making abilities and the freedom to choose are often some of the key things that people feel they lose when they’re receiving care, and live-in care allows them to stay in control of their environment and the flexibility of arrangements to make care completely tailored to their needs.

For companionship, home-help or complex care needs including dementia, it can be a choice that allows people to continue living happily, safely and with dignity within their own home.

But like everything else it’s important to choose the right people to work with. Trusted partnerships with skilled professionals are so important when it comes to delivering quality support.

At Hometouch, we balance warmth and empathy with a wealth of expertise in working one on one with those in need of care. Our founder, Jamie Wilson, is a psychiatrist specialising in dementia, and a sense of understanding is at the core of everything we do. We know that everyone’s needs are different and that having someone in your home is about more than just qualifications.

It’s about the relationship, about having a connection with the person who is caring for you day after day, and so we provide access to a huge range of live-in carers, allowing people to find the right fit and a trusted professional who they’ll feel comfortable with inside their own homes.

We’re proud of the service we provide and the difference we make to people’s lives, but we know that we’re just a part of the bigger picture when it comes to the overall experience of adult social care.

We’re very careful about the partners we work with, ensuring they have both the skills and the understanding to help provide that same quality of care to which we’re dedicated at Hometouch. So, when we were introduced to Richard Johnson at RJ Advocacy we were delighted to meet a kindred spirit. Someone so dedicated to helping people in finding the care solution that best suits their needs.

A clear process is something which can really help people when dealing with social care. A step by step plan that they can easily understand and follow, to feel in control of the process. And RJ Advocacy follows that exact same crucial process for the clients it supports. An introductory discussion to find out about the situation, to ask questions, and most importantly to listen. Follow-on support at a pace that’s tailored to each individual customer and clear communications every step of the way as to what is happening and when.

It can be hard for us to lose our independence as we get older, but receiving social care doesn’t have to mean losing control of the situation. As care professionals we listen and deliver according to each individual preference and it’s wonderful to be partnered with RJ Advocacy who champion the exact same philosophy.

Miri Richardson, Partnerships Manager, Hometouch