With the imminent results of the general election, there are great concerns as to what they will mean for the future of adult social care.

There has been huge discussion as to why the major political parties have not spoken more about such an important topic, and a recent article from the BBC shares that an open letter to politicians was signed by 24,000 people, stating that to ignore the importance of social care was a huge betrayal of the public.

Another statement signed by more than 40 social care organisations, stressed the ‘importance of recognising the role social care plays at every level of society’ and argued this was not ‘as prominent as it should be’ in debates.

A brief summary of social care plans within the manifestos of the major parties outlines that:

The Conservative Party would implement reforms to cap social care costs, with plans to take forward the reforms in the ‘People at the Heart of Care’ white paper.

Labour has committed to undertaking a programme of reform to create a ‘National Care Service,’ prioritising a ‘home first’ approach with new national standards for adult social care.

The Liberal Democrats would create a ‘National Care Agency’ to set national minimum standards of care, with further plans to introduce free personal care so that some care costs are covered by the state.

But what do these care plans involve when it comes down to the detail, how will they be paid for and how long will it take to implement changes so that we start seeing results? ‘

A recent report raises concerns that much of the £7.5bn funding pledge in the Autumn 2022 Statement has yet to be delivered with pressures ever increasing, and 41% of care organisations say they would be unable to increase pay for care workers without a further increase in government funding.

It was wonderful to see so many social workers honoured in the King’s birthday list, highlighting the importance of the care system and the difference made by those who work tirelessly within it, but more is needed.

With such significant challenges of ongoing backlogs, skilled workforce shortages and increasing service demand, it’s a problem that needs addressing, and urgently.

We need a real commitment from the new government to finally give adult social care the attention it deserves, helping to resolve the longstanding issues and putting practical plans into place for the effective care and support of our future generations.